Friday, February 03, 2006


Amazing. Egypt built their "high damn" at Aswan in the late sixties and it created the largest man made lake in the world. It would have flooded a lot of temples and other ancient sites but with UNSECO's help and about 40 countries, they MOVED about 20 of these sites to higher ground. Block by block. Took them apart and put them back together again. The temple of Philae is one of them and it isn't far from Aswan - they even rebuilt and relandscaped the new island its on so that it looks like the original. Thats ambition. Today we're taking things pretty easy, wandering throught the souk (market) which is a lot lower key than in other places we've been to, finally getting to use the internet after being on the boat for a few days, and maybe taking a sail on a "felucca" later this afternoon

Pic is of spices for sale in the souk

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